How to take advice

How to take advice

I’ve got a rule which saves me from 90% of bad advises.

First I research the person – does he have the expertise to talk about my situation?

You will be shocked by the amount of advise you take from unqualified people about your topic. I am not only talking about comments in social media or out in the public. I am talking about the closest people to you. Your mom, cousin or beloved. Are you going to take advise about money from your broke father. I hope not. Or advise about girls from your friend, who switches women every 2 weeks? Only if you also look for this lifestyle.

When i need advice, I open their LinkedIn and see their accomplishments, experiences and where they fall short. I am very specific on the person who can help me.

After i got their advice to do something, I ask them if they did it in the past. This is the super weapon.

Try to make the other person tell the story in a timeline. People are exceptional about remembering the story, not bits of information. What is the background in his story? What was his situation then? When did it happen? Who was he working for?


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