Author: Dobrev Dragomir

  • Quotes that i like and follow

    “Take advice from people you want to swap places with.”

    “It’s not about know you know, it’s knows you”

    Power of reciprocity.

    Team Consumer vs Team producer

    This quote is from comedy show and talked about the California fires that burned Beverly Hills or sm shit idk. The speaker talked bout the comments in the videos of houses burning, how they mocked the rich cause they deserve it from the nature.

    This is why i hate poor people. They can’t look over their own pain & life.

  • How to take advice

    How to take advice

    I’ve got a rule which saves me from 90% of bad advises.

    First I research the person – does he have the expertise to talk about my situation?

    You will be shocked by the amount of advise you take from unqualified people about your topic. I am not only talking about comments in social media or out in the public. I am talking about the closest people to you. Your mom, cousin or beloved. Are you going to take advise about money from your broke father. I hope not. Or advise about girls from your friend, who switches women every 2 weeks? Only if you also look for this lifestyle.

    When i need advice, I open their LinkedIn and see their accomplishments, experiences and where they fall short. I am very specific on the person who can help me.

    After i got their advice to do something, I ask them if they did it in the past. This is the super weapon.

    Try to make the other person tell the story in a timeline. People are exceptional about remembering the story, not bits of information. What is the background in his story? What was his situation then? When did it happen? Who was he working for?

  • What does “Senior” actually mean in career paths?

    What does “Senior” actually mean in career paths?

    No matter if we talk about “Senior Sales person”, “Senior Developer”, “Senior Marketing specialist”, etc.

    The closer you are to your boss telling you “Go make money for the company” and you actually make money, then you are 100% a senior specialist. No questions asked. Lemme explain.

    “But dude, how does this even apply to me, I am a Web Developer?!” – you might be screaming. Why are you in the company to begin with? Are you to build software OR build software that people will pay for and generate revenue? Your main role is to generate revenue.

    For example: If you are a developer and your boss told you to make money, you must brainstorm ideas for high value adding features or fix really bad current problems. Then implement them. Measure the KPI* you set and tell your boss – “Yo, i make them money”.

    *KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. In other words important values which dictate success.

    *My favourite is “CAC:LTV ratio” because with 1 number, you can measure the whole business current direction. You can Lower the CAC or up the LTV in this case by making the people purchase more/ stay longer on subscriptions etc.